This website if strictly for the use of Lifeboat Station officers, crews, volunteers, etc. who are authorised to use the RNLI logo and name on clothing and accessories as part of their Lifeboat Station crew gear. It is not for use by the general public.
Lifeboat Station Crew Gear
All of the items shown below carry your Lifeboat Station logo either as embroidery or printing.
Embroidered items can also have up to 3 lines of personalised lettering added under the logo. This could be a title such as Coxwain, Bosun, Crew, etc., or your own name, or a combination of the two.
The backs of many items can also have large personalised printed lettering added.
Crew Quantity Discounts
If your Lifeboat Station wants to order 6 or more items (can be mixed) you are entitled to substantial discounts. Email us your requirements and we shall come back to you with a quotation:
Contact Us
This website is administered by World Leisurewear Ltd.
T. 01983 282823
It is not linked in any way with the RNLI in Poole.
RNLI Poole
Members of the general public wanting to purchase RNLI branded products in support of the organisation should go to this link: