Dog Breed Embroidered Logos

A generic image


We have hundreds of dog breed logos which are sorted alphabetically below. e.g. Click on letter 'G' for Golden Retriever, letter 'S' for Shih Tzu, etc.

Please contact us if you can not find the breed logo of your choice as new logos are being added all the time.

To order clothing and accessories with your chosen logo, please go to the following link:

Please note that with embroidery, there are limitations to how accurate in interpretation an embroidered dog breed logo can be because of the complexity of some of the designs. For a much more accurate dog breed logo, we recommend a printed logo which you can find at the following link@

Acknowledgements & Illustrations

To get our embroidery designs as close as possible to the breed 'standard, we have used several resources for images including dog clubs & associations, the Kennel Club, Wikipedia, and many other sources. Because of the limitations of embroidery, we have produced our own version of each breed logo which we hope you will approve of.